Tips For Successful Business Networking Events

Tips For Successful Business Networking Events

Business networking can feel intimidating, especially when you’re new to the process. Fortunately, with some preparation you can make the most of your next event.

Polish up your 30 second elevator pitch and make sure you have plenty of business cards to hand out. Focus on creating quality connections rather than simply accumulating business card numbers.

1. Know Your Purpose

Whether you’re looking for business leads or simply want to make connections with like-minded people in your industry, networking events are a great way to accomplish these goals. However, before attending one, be sure to define what your purpose in going is. This could be as simple as saying, “I’m hoping to meet three new people and get one new business lead.” Knowing this ahead of time can help you stay focused during the event.

During conversations, it’s important to keep the conversation interesting and light. You can do this by asking questions and listening actively. If a conversation gets uncomfortable or you need to excuse yourself, do so politely.

If there is an acclaimed speaker at the event, listen attentively to their ideas and take notes. This can be a valuable learning experience and is a great way to improve your own business strategy. Also, when the event is over, be sure to follow up with any contacts you made. You can do this by email or LinkedIn message, and it will help keep the connection alive.

2. Be Prepared

Whether you are searching for a job, looking to connect with potential clients or seeking out collaborations, a well-organized plan can help you make the most of your business networking event. This includes a polished elevator pitch that can quickly and efficiently sum up your value proposition, as well as marketing materials to share with people who may benefit from them.

Prior to attending the event, request a list of attendees from the organizers and use it to research individuals who may be good conversation starters and potential connections. If possible, come up with questions to ask those individuals that align with their work or interests so you can better understand how you might work together.

Be mindful of your time and do not overstay your welcome with any one person. If you feel a conversation drifting into uncomfortable topics or your conversation partner is not engaging, politely excuse yourself and move on to another conversation. This will demonstrate your professionalism and respect for others’ time. You might be surprised by how many opportunities can be found as a result of simply leaving the door open for future conversations.

3. Be Personable

Rather than attempting to collect as many business cards as possible at the event, focus on having quality conversations that cultivate potential client or collaborator relationships. This may take longer than racking up an impressive number of business card exchanges, but it will yield more long-term benefits for your company than simply meeting as many people as possible.

Be prepared to share a concise, clear description of what your business does and its unique value proposition. This is commonly known as your elevator pitch, and practicing it ahead of time will help you feel confident in its delivery.

During the event, be sure to make eye contact with each person you meet and listen intently to what they have to say. If they seem like someone you’d enjoy connecting with, ask for their contact information and offer to connect on social media so that you can keep in touch after the event. This will help ensure that your new connection remembers you and keeps your business top of mind for future opportunities.

4. Have a Plan for Follow-Up

It’s important to plan for the entire event, even after guests leave the venue. This includes having an idea of how long networking will last. You can share this information with attendees ahead of time, and encourage them to stay until the end. This will increase the value of their experience and allow them to network with more people.

During the networking time, be sure to provide enough breaks for people to have quality conversations with each other. It’s also a good idea to have some type of entertainment during the networking event. This could be live music, a dance performance, or something else fun. This can be a great way to start conversations that can lead to new business opportunities.

Finally, when meeting someone at a business networking event, be sure to follow up with them. This can be as simple as a quick email saying, “Nice to meet you!” or a more detailed follow up on a conversation that was started at the event. This will help to keep you top of mind and ensure that your contact remembers your brand.

5. Be Flexible

In a networking event, it’s impossible to talk to everyone. You need to focus on a few people who are ready and willing to make an investment in their careers or business. Consider hiring an anchor to intentionally meet with those people and connect them with other attendees. This may not be practical for an event of more than a few hundred people, but it can help create a better networking experience for all.

Polish your 30 second elevator pitch to ensure you can succinctly communicate your business’s unique value proposition and what makes you stand out from the crowd. It’s also a good idea to bring marketing materials that reflect your brand identity to the event.

Encourage your guests to get to know each other by seating them in groups of 8 or less and giving each table a discussion prompt. This can be anything from a fun question to a team building exercise. It will take the pressure off each attendee to come up with original talking points and will help them find common ground.

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